Early this month, Member States began negotiating a new Pandemic Accord in Geneva. The first day was open to interventions from relevant stakeholders and Member states were invited to reflect on the draft text.
Several European countries advocated for intellectual property (IP) rights discussions at the World Trade Organization and World Intellectual Property Organization (vs WHO).
They and the US stressed their view that IP is needed/encourages investment in healthcare innovations.
Tensions over non-exclusive licensing and IP waivers for pandemic products (Articles 10 & 11) with varied opinions.
These will likely remain sticky issues, reflecting a North-South divide.
The Equity & Africa Groups focused on equity, highlighting disparities and calling for "common but differentiated responsibilities" to ensure fair health standards for all. They also called for more results-focused, binding, and actionable language. There were also multiple calls to include gender equity and human rights considerations (not explicitly addressed in the current draft). At a closed session later in the week, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus encouraged member states to find “common ground”.
Negotiators will reconvene on December 4th. Prior to that, there are informal subgroups, each led by an INB vice chair with Member State co-facilitation.
23 and 28 November, Japan, with the UK, India, and Tanzania as co-facilitators: Prevention and surveillance (Article 4); One Health (Article 5); Preparedness, readiness, and resilience (Article 6).
24 November, Egypt co-facilitated by the Philippines: Production (Article 10); Tech Transfer (Article 11); and if time allows, Supply & Logistics (Article 13).
24 November & 1 December - Thailand, with Australia co-facilitating: Access & Benefit Sharing (Article 12).
22 and 28 November - Brazil, with Canada, Malaysia, and South Africa co-facilitating will lead: Implementation (Article 19); Financing (Article 20).
It is unclear if there will be opportunities for civil society or expert input, how smaller delegations will participate in overlapping meetings, or whether there will be translation at all the informal. And there has been no information published (or leaked) on how the discussion is progressing. We will likely need to wait until the session resumes next week to find out.