We did this analysis last week and forgot to post. Currently updating it based on new data.
- In NYC, 73% of deaths were in people over 65 years (based on 11 708 deaths as of 26 April)
- In Mexico, 50% of deaths were in people over 60 years (based on 1351 deaths as of 27 April)
- In Brazil, 70% of deaths were in people 60 years old (based on 3611 deaths as of 23 April)
- In India, 75.3% of deaths were in people over 60 years (data as of 18 April, number of deaths not reported)
- In NYC, 72% of Covid-19 deaths were among people with underlying conditions, including diabetes, lung disease, cancer, immunodeficiency, heart disease, hypertension, asthma, kidney disease, GI/liver disease, and obesity.
- In Mexico, 39% of deaths were among people with diabetes; 43% with hypertension; 30% with obesity; and 10% among those who smoked. Obesity was common especially among younger age groups (over 40% of 20-39 year-olds who died were obese).
- In Brazil, 67% of people died had at least one comorbidity (43% with heart disease, 34% diabetes, and to lesser extent, kidney disease, pneumopathy, neurological disease, immunodepression, obesity and asthma). In all risk groups, most individuals were 60 years of age or older, except for obesity.
- In India, 83% of deaths were among people with comorbidities
NYC: https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/doh/downloads/pdf/imm/covid-19-daily-data-summary-deaths-04272020-1.pdf
Mexico: personal correspondence with MOH.